The Cha Series team, a project led by Thyme Dev to develop a comprehensive unified turnkey East Asian language immersion toolkit, is excited to launch its first public beta.
What's it for?
At its core, the Cha Series team is building a standalone package for accessing aggregated public dictionary sources. Growing beyond that, the team will design, develop, and integrate this package into opinionated frontends across various platforms. Initially, the Cha Series team will be focusing on a series of Discord bots as a proof of concept, developed in collaboration with Thyme Dev.
The Cha Series Discord Bots is a preliminary dive into surfacing quick vocabulary and phrase based definitions from short phrases of text.
This milestone beta release brings support for Japanese and Korean, including four integrated features: Multilingual Search, Definition Search, Native Romanization, and Phrase Translation. These features combine various public data sources, including from JMDict and Korean Basic Dictionary, to parse and translate phrases of interest. The beta release includes over 199,000 Japanese entries and 52,000 Korean entries, with more data source integrations coming soon.
Publicly available
Just as the Cha Series relies on public and freely available dictionary data, we'd like to do our part in line with the spirit of collaborative enhancement. The Cha Series will be free and open source, supported by Thyme Dev.
Join the Cha Series Discord community and start your language learning journey today! For more information and to invite the Cha Series bots to your Discord server, visit our website at
About Thyme Dev:
Founded in 2021, Thyme Dev is a software development team passionate about creating tools that simplify and enhance the web experience. The Thyme Dev BetterBots series deliver practical, user-friendly Discord bots for getting things done to over 1.5 million Discord users. For more information, visit