Virtual Study Cafe
For students striving to be better, Wysc is the study Discord server that delivers a cohesive, global online studying experience.
Wysc・Virtual Study Cafe
A landing page built to inform and welcome. Uses deferred content loading techniques to load pages quickly. Equipped with Open Graph tags for social media, Widgetbot for live chat support, and progressive web app support for iOS, Android, and Chrome. Statically hosted on GitHub Pages in Jekyll.
Wysc Blog
A Jamstack blog system made for Wysc that leverages Jekyll to make updating and serving pages easy. Posts are written in Markdown, and generated at build time to be fully static. The status header connects to a json file via Fetch API to reflect status updates. Comes with an RSS feed.
Wysc Docs
A documentation system made for Wysc that leverages Jekyll to create an easy-to-update repository. Features an alert system with Fetch API, local search with Lunr.js, and light/dark theme built in SCSS. Built with reusable page components, searchable tables (for bot commands), and SEO enhancements (breadcrumbs, redirects, og:tags).
Work · Studying · Chilling
(Deprecated) Provides a simple front-end webpage for WSC (Work · Studying · Chilling), geared towards funnelling users to the WSC Discord. Features parallax images, Discord widget, and elements fading in on scroll, organized in an informative fashion.