To get started, first set up your own Red Discord Bot. Then, run these commands:
[p]repo add coffee-cogs
[p]cog install coffee-cogs coffeetools
This cog does not store any End User Data.
Slightly customized version of `General` cog. Changes `choose` to use | divider. All built-in commands are moved to [p]general. Adds slash commands support.
To get started, first set up your own Red Discord Bot. Then, run these commands:
[p]repo add coffee-cogs
[p]cog install coffee-cogs coffeetools
This cog does not store any End User Data.
Slightly customized version of General
cog. Changes choose
to use | divider.
✅ Supports Slash Commands
A drop-in replacement for the default General
cog in Red DiscordBot. All built-in commands are moved to [p]general.
Supports spaces in between. Uses | as the divider.
[p]choose one | two | three
[p]choose a b c | 1 2 3 | 一 二 三
[p]choose Go on a walk | Read a book | Wash the dishes
Easily type multiple words, for e.g.
[p]choose Do homework | Procrastinate by making a half finished bot
Uses random.choice
All commands from the default General
cog have been made available as a sub-command, with added slash commands support.
To restore any commands to the top level: (Example)
[p]alias add serverinfo general serverinfo
again like before[p]general
[p]general serverinfo
instead of [p]serverinfo
as directed.loveplay
cogAll commands from General cog are made available in original condition, where possible.