To get started, first set up your own Red Discord Bot. Then, run these commands:
[p]repo add coffee-cogs
[p]cog install coffee-cogs kodict
This cog does not store any End User Data.
Korean dictionary bot. Searches National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-English Learners' Dictionary (한국어기초사전), translates Korean using DeepL, and resources including Wiktionary, Google Translate, and romanization.
– or –
To get started, first set up your own Red Discord Bot. Then, run these commands:
[p]repo add coffee-cogs
[p]cog install coffee-cogs kodict
This cog does not store any End User Data.
A delightfully refreshing Discord bot for searching and translating Korean.
CHA-KO is the Korean Discord bot that delivers language and dictionary information to students, travelers, and kpop/kdrama enthusiasts alike.
Korean, with its unique alphabet, is a fascinating language that draws learners from around the world. However, the journey to fluency can be challenging. Learners often struggle with understanding the language's structure, pronunciation, Hanja, and the cultural nuances inherent to Korean.
CHA-KO is a unified turnkey solution for searching dictionary sources, displaying Hangul Romanization, word definitions/origins, and links to relevant external sources.
CHA-KO uses data from public sources including the National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-English Basic Learners' Dictionary.
Public bot hosted by Thyme Dev.
You can also install the Red DiscordBot cog, self-host this bot only, or join the Discord for updates and news!
A Krdict API is optional, but recommended.
Adds fallback using official content XML API, when the web parser breaks/fails/doesn't return any results.
Note: All content is in Korean. Official South Korean (Republic of Korea) government site.
Red Discord Bot Owners: Type this in a Discord DM with your bot:
[p]set api krdict api_key,YOURAPIKEYHERE
Self-host kodict-dpy: After you've copied .env.example
to .env
, edit your .env
file with:
A DeepL API is optional, but recommended. Only the Free API is supported.
Adds built-in translation fallback when Krdict API and parsers don't return any results.
When you're done:
Red Discord Bot Owners: Type this in a Discord DM with your bot:
[p]set api deepl api_key,YOURAPIKEYHERE
Self-host kodict-dpy: After you've copied .env.example
to .env
, edit your .env
file with:
Search dictionary entries in Korean (Hangul, Hanja)
Search dictionary entries in English
Pronunciation in Hangul and Romanization
Word origins in Hanja
Parts of speech
: Searches Korean dictionary[p]kosearch
: Searches Korean translation services